objectivity & detachment → elevation & section → equivalents VI → doubts are traitors → after beckett I → after beckett II → lucid skin → a little rough → hard days night → eternal →
quantum entanglement → bleu electrique → inequal measure → surface tension → sin of indifference → sin of indifference
→ poetry of place → poetry of place → random light → pain silence → depth of field → depth of field →
warmth strangers →
fabric of society →
eastern light → eastern light → east of eden → lucid skin → lucid skin → lavish blondes → sphere of influences → short stories → significant other → lost poetic survey → meditation absence → chaotic systems studies → something ordinary V → what it is
→ park by b
→ nocturne → peripheral wounds → eternity 2
→ pastel geometry
→ notes sur la poesie
→ doubts are traitors → safe at last → east of eden II → symmetry III